Driving without car insurance is an offense that carries penalties in every state. These penalties include fines, surcharges, and even jail time. Also, the penalties for driving uninsured vary from state to state.
“The rule of law requires that all automobile drivers must maintain an active insurance policy. This rule is in recognition of the risks and dangers that are inherent to the activity of driving. If everybody drove on the public roads without maintaining their insurance policy, then the bonds of trust that make our society function would break down,” says David Reischer, attorney at LegalAdvice.com.
This guide will help you determine what penalties you could face if you get caught driving without car insurance in your state.
- In many states, if you’re caught driving without car insurance, your registration and license will be revoked.
- You will be considered a high-risk driver after a violation for driving without insurance.
- Rather than driving without insurance, try to fulfill your state’s minimum liability insurance requirement to drive legally.
- You can save money on your car insurance as a high-risk driver by comparing insurance quotes from different companies.
What happens if you drive without car insurance?
You’re putting yourself at risk in more ways than one if you drive without insurance. The lapse in your coverage after driving without insurance will cost you, on average, 10% more when you finally get a new policy in place.
But the no insurance penalty is much higher in some states. For instance, in California, the average driver faces a 36% hike, and in Massachusetts and North Carolina, you’ll see increases of about 30%, CarInsurance.com rate data show.
What happens if you’re uninsured and you get in an accident?
Additionally, the penalties for no insurance vary by state. More importantly, if you get in an accident, you’re on the hook to pay for the damages.
For example, if you drive uninsured and get in an accident in California, you could lose your license for up to four years, whether or not the accident was your fault. After a year, you may be able to get your license back if you get insurance, provide proof to the motor vehicle department and pay a reinstatement fee.
Remember that you must also file an SR-22 form to show proof of financial responsibility. You are additionally responsible for all the costs associated with the accident. Even if the other driver has uninsured motorist coverage and his insurer compensates him, his insurance company will likely sue you to recover its costs. This means you could lose your assets and home if the cost of the damage exceeds the amount of money you can pay.
What is the penalty for driving without insurance?
Even if you avoid an accident while driving without car insurance, your registration and license will be revoked in many states if you’re cited. You have to pay a fine, and your car may be impounded. Rather than driving without insurance, consider buying your state’s minimum liability car insurance.
David Reischer, attorney at LegalAdvice.com, says penalties against uninsured drivers are often too lenient. Uninsured drivers who injure people in accidents leave the injured party with no recourse except to sue the uninsured driver.
“This is simply unfair to all the other drivers that play by the rules and maintain their automobile insurance policy to compensate an injured party. Any person that cannot afford automobile insurance should simply not be driving on the public roads,” Reischer says.
People injured in accidents involving uninsured drivers could face significant costs from injuries and vehicle replacement costs.
“The rule of law requires that all automobile drivers must maintain an active insurance policy. This rule is in recognition of the risks and dangers that are inherent to the activity of driving. If everybody drove on the public roads without maintaining their insurance policy, then the bonds of trust that make our society function would break down,” Reischer says.
Here are state car insurance laws about uninsured motorists’ penalties and fines:
State | Fine Amount | Jail Time | Registration Suspension | License Suspension | Confiscate Plates | Impound Car | Points | SR-22 |
Alabama | $500 to $1,000 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Alaska | $500 to $1,000 | 90 days to 1 year | _ | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes, if in accident |
Arizona | $500 for first violation | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Arkansas | $50 to $250 for first offense | Up to a year for third offense | Yes | _ | Yes | _ | _ | _ |
California | $100 to $200 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | Yes | _ | _ |
Colorado | $500 minimum | Community Service | _ | Yes | _ | _ | Four points | _ |
Connecticut | $100 to $1,000 | 90 days | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ |
Delaware | $1,500 to $3,000 | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ |
D.C. | Up to $500 fine | 90 days | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ |
Florida | $500 reinstatement fees | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | Yes |
Georgia | $200 to $1,000 | 1 year | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
Hawaii | $500 | Yes (not more than 30 days) | Yes | Yes (after multiple offense) | Yes | Yes | _ | Yes |
Idaho | $75 to $1,000 | Yes (not more than 6 months) | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
Illinois | Minimum $500 | _ | Yes | Yes | – | _ | _ | Yes |
Indiana | Up to $1,000 | _ | _ | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
Iowa | $250 mandatory fine or community service | _ | Yes | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ |
Kansas | $300 to $1,000 | 6 months | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Kentucky | $500 to $1,000 | 90 days | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Louisiana | $500 to $1,000 | – | Yes | Yes (if you cause an accident) | Yes | Yes | _ | _ |
Maine | $100 to $500 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
Maryland | $150 to $2,500 | – | Yes | _ | Yes | _ | – | _ |
Massachusetts | $500 | 1 year | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | |
Michigan | $500 | 1 year | _ | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Minnesota | $200 to $1,000 | 90 days | Yes | Yes | Yes | – | _ | _ |
Mississippi | $1,000 | _ | _ | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Missouri | $500 | 15 days | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | – | _ |
Montana | $250 to $500 | 10 days | _ | Yes | _ | _ | 5 Points | _ |
Nebraska | $50 reinstatement fees | – | Yes | Yes | – | _ | _ | – |
Nevada | $250 to $1,000 | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | Yes |
New Hampshire | Insurance not normally required | _ | – | – | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
New Jersey | $300 to $1,000 | Community Service | _ | Yes | _ | – | _ | _ |
New Mexico | Up to $300 | _ | Yes | _ | Yes | _ | _ | _ |
New York | Up to $1,500 plus a $750 reinstatement fee | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ |
North Carolina | $50 to $150 | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | – | _ |
North Dakota | $150 minimum | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | Yes |
Ohio | $100 to $600 | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | Yes |
Oklahoma | Up to $250 | 30 days in some cases | Yes | Yes | – | Yes | _ | _ |
Oregon | $130 to $1,000 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | Yes | _ | Yes |
Pennsylvania | $300 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | – | _ | _ |
Rhode Island | $100 to $500 | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | – | _ | – |
South Carolina | $600 uninsured motorist fee | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | Yes |
South Dakota | $100 | 30 days | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | Yes |
Tennessee | $300 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Texas | $260 to $470 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
Utah | $400 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Vermont | Up to $500 | _ | _ | Yes | _ | _ | Two points | _ |
Virginia | $200 | _ | Yes | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | Yes (if you haven’t paid the uninsured motor vehicle fee) |
Washington | $550 | _ | _ | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
West Virginia | $200 | – | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | _ |
Wisconsin | Up to $500 | _ | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
Wyoming | $250 to $750 | – | Yes | Yes | _ | _ | _ | Yes |
How much do insurance rates increase after driving without insurance?
Once you decide to shop for car insurance, you’ll be considered a high-risk driver. You’ll pay more for coverage. Here’s how much rates rise, on average, after a conviction for driving without insurance. Remember that even though you’ll pay more overall, you can still save money as a high-risk driver by comparing car insurance quotes.
State | Rate with insurance | Rate after driving without insurance violation | Increase | Increase |
Alaska | $1,288 | $1,460 | $172 | 13% |
Alabama | $1,517 | $1,826 | $309 | 20% |
Arkansas | $1,483 | $1,808 | $325 | 22% |
Arizona | $1,661 | $2,010 | $348 | 21% |
California | $2,206 | $3,028 | $823 | 37% |
Colorado | $1,977 | $2,159 | $181 | 9% |
Connecticut | $1,455 | $1,625 | $170 | 12% |
Washington, D.C. | $1,904 | $2,142 | $238 | 13% |
Delaware | $1,751 | $1,925 | $174 | 10% |
Florida | $3,008 | $3,608 | $599 | 20% |
Georgia | $1,618 | $1,932 | $313 | 19% |
Hawaii | $1,309 | $1,407 | $98 | 8% |
Iowa | $1,241 | $1,548 | $307 | 25% |
Idaho | $1,011 | $1,154 | $143 | 14% |
Illinois | $1,364 | $1,692 | $328 | 24% |
Indiana | $1,282 | $1,643 | $361 | 28% |
Kansas | $1,493 | $1,756 | $263 | 18% |
Kentucky | $1,865 | $2,134 | $269 | 14% |
Louisiana | $3,197 | $3,639 | $442 | 14% |
Massachusetts | $1,760 | $2,172 | $412 | 23% |
Maryland | $1,966 | $2,292 | $326 | 17% |
Maine | $1,049 | $1,182 | $132 | 13% |
Michigan | $4,013 | $4,986 | $973 | 24% |
Minnesota | $1,686 | $1,916 | $229 | 14% |
Missouri | $2,372 | $2,762 | $390 | 16% |
Mississippi | $1,405 | $1,574 | $169 | 12% |
Montana | $1,766 | $1,984 | $218 | 12% |
North Carolina | $1,396 | $1,783 | $386 | 28% |
North Dakota | $1,232 | $1,317 | $85 | 7% |
Nebraska | $1,847 | $1,991 | $144 | 8% |
New Hampshire | $952 | $1,119 | $167 | 18% |
New Jersey | $2,262 | $2,658 | $396 | 17% |
New Mexico | $1,695 | $1,905 | $210 | 12% |
Nevada | $2,389 | $2,877 | $488 | 20% |
New York | $1,867 | $1,897 | $30 | 2% |
Ohio | $1,114 | $1,287 | $173 | 16% |
Oklahoma | $1,852 | $2,191 | $339 | 18% |
Oregon | $1,502 | $1,887 | $385 | 26% |
Pennsylvania | $1,297 | $1,477 | $180 | 14% |
Rhode Island | $1,792 | $2,053 | $260 | 15% |
South Carolina | $1,811 | $2,160 | $349 | 19% |
South Dakota | $1,558 | $1,780 | $222 | 14% |
Tennessee | $1,311 | $1,505 | $193 | 15% |
Texas | $1,981 | $2,275 | $294 | 15% |
Utah | $1,601 | $1,731 | $130 | 8% |
Virginia | $1,228 | $1,358 | $131 | 11% |
Vermont | $1,057 | $1,156 | $99 | 9% |
Washington | $1,351 | $1,786 | $435 | 32% |
Wisconsin | $1,573 | $2,005 | $432 | 27% |
West Virginia | $1,424 | $1,622 | $198 | 14% |
Wyoming | $1,763 | $1,850 | $88 | 5% |
How to find the best auto insurance if you’re uninsured
Driving without auto insurance can be risky. And if you have been driving without car insurance, you should purchase a policy that will cover your car in case of an accident.
However, some people may not qualify for low rates because they are considered higher-risk drivers by insurers due to their lack of coverage. However, you can get affordable rates if you shop around and compare car insurance quotes.
Another option is to explore regional insurers in your state. They might offer reasonable car insurance rates by states overlooking things you were responsible for in the past.
What should I do if I can’t afford car insurance?
If you have multiple violations, car insurance can be expensive. However, if your insurance bill doesn’t fit into your budget, there are a few things you can do to lower your premium:
- Contact your insurer: Let your insurance company know that you can’t afford your premium. Your agent may be able to set up a payment plan, delay a payment or combine it with a future payment.
- Change your coverages: To save on your premium, you can drop your coverage down to the state required minimums. However, be aware this puts you at risk of having to cover any damages that exceed your coverage levels out of pocket.
- Raise your deductible: If you can afford to double your deductible, your premium should drop a bit. Always choose a deductible you can easily afford.
- Shop around: Shop your coverage with a wide variety of insurers to find the cheapest policy for your needs. Make sure any insurer you choose is financially sound.
If you can’t afford your coverage and your car insurance policy lapses, you should not continue to drive without coverage. You will have to pay hefty penalties, and driving without coverage guarantees you will pay more for coverage in the future.
Final thoughts: Driving without insurance
Driving without insurance is a major moving violation and will result in a variety of fines, fees, possible jail time and more expensive insurance premiums. Additionally, if you cause an accident while driving without coverage you will be on the hook for all repair and medical bills.
Insurers charge more for car insurance if you have a lapse in coverage — especially if the lapse has been over a month. If you are involved in an accident or ticketed for driving without insurance, the rate increase will be much higher. For example, data shows that premium increases in California can be up to 37%.
While dropping your insurance coverage is never a good idea, if you cannot afford your premium, consider upping your deductible, shopping your coverage or even lowering your coverage to your state-required minimums.
Frequently asked questions
Is driving without insurance a moving violation?
While each state has different laws, driving without insurance is considered a serious moving violation and will result in points on your license. It’s also very likely that your driver’s license and license plate will be suspended. In many states you will have to file a SR-22 to prove you are carrying the proper insurance levels before your license will be reinstated.
Can you lose your license for driving without insurance?
Yes, in most cases, your license and license plates will be suspended until you provide proof of insurance coverage.
If it is a second offense there is a good chance your license will be suspended for longer. For example, in Colorado, your license can be suspended for up to four months if it is a second offense and up to eight months for a third offense.
Can you go to jail for driving without insurance?
While it is unlikely you will go to jail for a first offense, in some states, it is a possibility. For example, in Alaska, first-time offenders can be sentenced to 90 days in jail if they are involved in an accident while driving uninsured. In Georgia, drivers can be sentenced to a year in the clink for a first offense. Depending on where you live, jail time may increase for second or third offenses.
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