Many insurance companies offer a discount which will lower a student’s car insurance premiums if they get good grades. This is called a good student discount, and savings can range average 12.5%. Here’s what you need to know about getting and keeping a good student discount.
- Many insurers offer a discount to teen drivers who maintain good grades.
- While the grade point required can vary by insurer, a 3.0 is a common requirement. You will need to provide proof of grades. Insurers typically check grades once a year.
- If you are homeschooled, you will need to check with your agent regarding eligibility and what is required as proof of good grades.
How often will insurers check your report card?
Insurers will typically require you to report your grades at least once a year. While it varies by insurer, they will often request your final grades at the end of a semester.
Keeping your grades up and reporting them to your insurer regularly is necessary to keep your discount. If you fail to maintain the required grade point average or don’t send a copy of your grades to your insurer, you may lose the discount and see a rate increase.
How high do my grades have to be to get a discount?
While every insurer has their own standards, generally, you’ll need one of these four qualifications:
- Proof that you’re in the top 20% of your class.
- Proof that you have a grade average of a B or higher.
- Proof that you have a grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) or higher.
- Proof that you were included in the Dean’s List or Honor Roll.
Do insurers check the legitimacy of grades reported?
Insurers will require proof of grades in order to qualify for a good student discount. Most will accept a copy of a report card, a transcript or a letter from the principal or another school administrator.
Whether insurers take any additional steps to verify the legitimacy of those grades will vary. While some may be happy to take your word for it, others may verify with the school. It never pays to mislead your insurer, if you have reported fake grades to your insurer and the fraud is discovered, they can void your good student discount and chargeback for the discount given. They may also cancel your coverage as insurers tend to take insurance fraud seriously.
I am homeschooled. How can I show proof of my grades?
As a homeschooler, it is still possible to get a good student discount. However, since you won’t have an official report card, you’ll have to show evidence of your abilities by taking a state or nationally-mandated test that your insurer accepts such as:
- California Achievement Test
- Iowa Test of Basic Skills
The best advice is to ask your insurance agent what documentation is needed to qualify for a good student discount as a homeschooler.
Can I get a good student discount as a college student?
Yes. Many insurance companies’ good student discount is also available to full-time college students under the age of 25. Just like high schoolers, college students will need to submit proof of their final grades and full-time student status at the end of each semester to keep their discount.
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