You’re not alone if you like comparison shopping for auto insurance. After all, everyone likes to be confident they are receiving a good deal. In fact, a 2020 study from J.D. Power reports that, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 75% of auto insurance consumers either were comparison shopping or had a negative experience that led them to shop for other insurance.

The study also indicated that consumers are not motivated by brand loyalty and that the option to buy directly from a company is one motivator to change insurers. If it’s time for you to leave your current auto insurance company – and that company is Geico – this article will take you through the steps for ease in cancellation.

Key Highlights
  • Canceling your Geico insurance policy is as simple as calling the company’s 800 number.
  • Be aware that you may lose a bundling discount if you cancel your Geico auto insurance and have other insurance with Geico.
  • Before canceling your car insurance with Geico, ensure you have another auto insurance policy in place.

How to cancel Geico auto insurance

Canceling your Geico auto insurance is simple. Start by setting aside time in your day to make an uninterrupted call to Geico and you will be on your way. Keep on reading to find out more about how to cancel your Geico policy.

The steps for Geico policy cancellation are quite simple. In short, it requires a call to the company to start the process.

Here are the steps to cancel your Geico policy: 

  1. Call Geico’s 800 number so that you can talk with an agent. The number to dial is 800-841-1587.
  2. When Geico’s voice response system asks for the reason for your call, simply say: “Cancel insurance policy.” Next, when asked what type of policy you’re calling about, say “auto.”
  3. Then, you may be asked to enter your date of birth and your phone number or the Social Security Number on file.
  4. After that, you will be asked to enter your Geico auto policy number. This enables a Geico representative to pull up your file, but you also can say that you don’t know your policy number if that’s the case.
  5. Wait for a representative to join you and tell them you want to cancel your policy. They will inform you of the next steps for canceling your policy and ask you what date the cancelation should occur. Make sure your cancellation date is after the start of your new policy.

As you can see, canceling your Geico car insurance policy is straightforward.

Can I cancel Geico car insurance by phone?

Absolutely. This can be done by calling the company’s toll-free number at 800-841-1587 and following the steps above. Again, be sure to have your auto insurance policy number available if you know what it is. 

Look in your glove compartment for your auto insurance card, which lists your policy number. This streamlines the process of looking up your policy number using other personal information when you call.

How to cancel Geico insurance online

You must speak to a representative to cancel your policy. Although you can purchase auto insurance online, you must talk to a representative before you can cancel Geico car insurance. Once you call Geico’s 800 number and answer the automated questions, a Geico agent should be able to help you with your request.

Does Geico charge a cancellation fee?

Great news — there are no cancellation fees when you cancel a Geico insurance policy. However, in North Carolina, policy owners could be charged a short-rate premium – money refunded to the policyholder when they cancel a policy prior to its expiration date – when they terminate their policy. However, North Carolina is the only state, according to Geico’s website, where a short-rate premium calculation may be charged.

Things to consider before you cancel a Geico policy

If you cancel your Geico auto insurance policy, you may lose your bundling discount  – particularly when you purchased auto and home insurance together through the company. Consequently, your auto insurance cancellation could increase your premium if you decide to keep one policy but not the other.

Before canceling your Geico insurance policy, you may want to talk with an agent to see if you are eligible for other discounts. Examples of available discounts include anti-lock brakes, defensive driving education and federal employee affiliation.

Finally, be sure to have another auto insurance in place before you cancel your Geico insurance policy. Otherwise, if you drive your vehicle without insurance, you are putting yourself and others at risk. 

“Consumers need to make sure there will be no gaps in their coverage as one policy ends and the other begins,” says Jim Brau, Joel C. Peterson Professor of Finance at Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business.

Remember, you can always compare shop for other insurance before canceling a Geico policy. Just ensure you have the same benefits, coverages and deductibles when you get a quote from another company.

How quickly can I cancel Geico insurance?

Canceling Geico insurance can take about 10 minutes when you quickly get a Geico agent on the phone. Just provide all of the information the representative asks for and then tell them that you want to cancel your auto insurance policy. 

Can someone else cancel my policy for me?

No. The only person who can cancel your Geico insurance policy is the policyholder. If you have a shared policy with your spouse – meaning that both of your names are on the policy – your spouse should be able to call and cancel your Geico policy.

Does Geico refund you if you cancel?

Geico does offer a refund to its canceling customers. However, the amount that you are refunded will depend on the amount of time remaining on your policy and whether you have any other premiums or fees that are owed to Geico. If you’re canceling at the earlier end of your term, you may be eligible for a larger refund versus when you cancel later in the term, and the amount you are refunded may be less.

Resources & Methodology


  1. “If I Cancel Geico, do I get a Refund?” Accessed October 2023.
  2. “Geico Discounts” Accessed October 2023.
  3. “ Cancel your Geico Insurance Policy.” Accessed September 2023
  4. J.D. Power. “Direct-to-Consumer Auto Insurers Take Top Honors in Shopping Study as New Normal Arrives for P&C Industry, J.D. Power Finds.” Accessed October 2023.
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author-img Maggie O'Neill Contributing Researcher
Maggie has twenty years of experience working in media. She is a writer and editor on car insurance and related issues. Before joining, she reported on health, education and lifestyle for magazines, websites and newspapers in Nevada.
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Laura Longero is an insurance expert with more than 15 years of experience educating people about personal finance topics and helping consumers navigate the complexities of auto insurance. She writes and edits for QuinStreet’s, and Prior to joining QuinStreet, she worked as a reporter and editor at the USA Today Network.