If your driver’s license is still valid, then normally, you can obtain auto insurance even if you have a warrant out for your arrest. It should be disclosed to the insurance underwriters to make sure you will be covered in the event of a claim.
If the warrant ends up with you getting your license suspended, say, due to unpaid traffic tickets, then it would be difficult to get insurance for a vehicle that you own since a valid driver’s license and your driving record are the main rating factors for a car insurance company.
Warrants typically do stop you from being able to buy insurance or even cause your car insurance rates to rise. If the warrants are linked to, say, suspension of your license, then they may affect your auto insurance rates though.
If the warrant is for failure to pay or failure to comply with a ticket, then in some states, you would be found guilty by the court for the offense. If that is the case, then the violation would be on your MVR and thus be seen by your insurance provider, causing your car insurance rates to go up. And if there is a warrant, there may also be a suspension of your driver’s license, which would also be on your MVR, and, again, could cause your rates to rise.
— Michelle Megna contributed to this story.
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