You may have some questions about how an SR-22 works if you share a policy and cars with a spouse or partner. Here we’ll explain the effect SR-22 insurance has on other drivers in your household.
Can my wife and I have the same insurance policy if I need an SR-22 and she doesn’t
Yes, you and your wife can be on the same car insurance policy even if you need SR-22 insurance and she does not. Many drivers who are required to carry an SR-22 have a spouse that doesn’t need this proof of financial responsibility, yet both are on the same auto policy so that each can drive all the cars in the household.
If you don’t own a car, but your wife does, your wife’s policy will need to adhere to the car insurance mandates that the state has placed upon you, and her insurer must be willing to file the SR-22. Your wife may carry higher policy limits than what the SR-22 requires and the policy will have both of your names on it, but the SR-22 will have just your name on it.
If her car insurance company doesn’t offer SR-22s filings — not all do — then you’ll need to find a new auto insurer for your household. You will have to pay a filing fee for the SR-22, typically around $25.
Whatever caused you to be required to carry the SR-22 will increase your rates. If you have a DUI, suspended license, or something of this nature on your driving record, it will cause the household’s car insurance rates to be higher. This is because the more risk you pose to an insurance company, the higher the premiums it will charge.
If your wife doesn’t want you on her car insurance policy (due to how your driving record will affect her auto premiums), then she can see if it’s possible to exclude you from the policy. This is allowable in some, but not all, states.
If she excludes you, then you would be unable to drive her car because her insurance would not extend to you in any way. The problem with exclusion is that you are left with no car. No car means no insurance, and no insurance means no way to meet your SR-22 requirement.
While some individuals who need an SR-22 but don’t own a car may obtain non-owner SR-22 car insurance, this wouldn’t work for you. Even if you consider the household vehicle to be your wife’s, most insurers consider a husband and wife as one person and thus joint owners of any household vehicle.
You and your spouse being on the same policy makes sense for your situation; thus, you need to discuss the issue with her current car insurance provider. Once you know the cost of adding you to the policy and the SR-22 filing, shop around to make sure you are getting the lowest car insurance rates possible.
What happens if I own a car, my spouse owns a car and I have to file an SR-22
If you need an SR-22 and your spouse doesn’t, and you both own cars, you’ll still need to file the SR-22 on your shared policy. Most insurance companies view married couples as joint owners, which means they assume both of you are driving your vehicle. As a result, you and your spouse will have to pay the higher insurance rates you receive after filing an SR-22.
You can still save on SR-22 insurance
Just because you have the need for an SR-22 doesn’t mean that there aren’t opportunities to save money on car insurance by doing an auto insurance quotes comparison. Rating systems vary from one insurer to another, so some auto insurance companies will see you as less of a risk than others will — and their prices will reflect this.
Get a low-cost quote for car insurance that includes an SR-22 filing by contacting our call center toll-free at 1-855-430-7753.
— Penny Gusner contributed to this story.
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