Question: Is car insurance required in Puerto Rico?
Answer: Yes, car insurance coverage is required in Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico requires drivers to maintain “Seguro de Responsabilidad Obligatorio” compulsory liability coverage (CLI) and medical liability coverage.
As a no-fault state—where drivers do not need to prove fault for insurance compensation in a vehicle accident—the Puerto Rico Motor Vehicle Compulsory Liability Insurance Law requires that all motor vehicles have liability insurance coverage of not less than $3,000, covering damages caused to other vehicles up to $4,000. The premium for that coverage is $99 per year (private passenger vehicle) or $148 per year (commercial vehicle).
All motor vehicles are also required to have Medical Liability insurance of not less than $3,000, which is comparable to Personal Injury Protection (PIP). This coverage is provided by the Agency for the Compensation of Automobile Accidents (ACAA). In addition to the basic option, the ACAA also offers two other plans: Plus and Premium. Plus coverage offers medical-hospital services, $75,000 spousal compensation and up to $70,000 to dependent children in the event of death, a maximum of $75,000 in event of loss of limb and $5,000 for funeral expenses. The Premium coverage plan offers medical-hospital services, spousal and dependent compensation of up to $92,000, up to $100.000 for dismemberment, and $8,000 for funeral expenses.
Unlike most no-fault states and territories, if your vehicle is registered in Puerto Rico, the CLI premium will be included in your annual registration fee when you get your marbete (vehicle) tag. Drivers must comply with the law when getting a motor vehicle license for the first time and upon registration renewal. To comply with the CLI, you can get liability insurance coverage of at least $3,000 from your insurance company if the company is licensed to do business in Puerto Rico. A second option is to purchase CLI coverage from any authorized private insurer in Puerto Rico, or from the Joint Underwriters Association (JUA).
You must comply with the CLI even if your vehicle is not registered in Puerto Rico and retains out-of-state license plates but is used in the territory.
Driving a car without the proper insurance in Puerto Rico is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $500. In addition, other fines may be assessed for expired registration, no ACAA and no inspection, if applicable. If you are in an accident and are uninsured, Puerto Rico law requires a court to assess the costs of damages you caused and will require you to be responsible for paying for the damages.
Remember that the minimum required coverage in a state or territory may not be sufficient coverage in the event of an accident. We recommend seeking adequate coverage for your situation through an insurance company.
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