It might be possible for there to be two car insurance policies in one household, depending on the insurance companies involved and the circumstances. Some companies will not allow it because of state laws and liability exposure.
Two car insurance policies can be held in the same household in certain situations. This can include a married couple who wants to retain separate policies or a situation where a child has their own car, separate from their parents, with their own policy.
Typically, it is cheaper to have household members and their vehicles on the same policy because of multi-car discounts and discounts for married couples. Also, insurance companies generally require all licensed household members to be listed on a policy, so even with separate policies, each insurance provider will likely require the other household members to listed on each other’s policies.
If you’re considering splitting car insurance policies between you and your spouse, check out the marriage and car insurance policy guide.
If you have a teen or new driver in the house, check out the guide to car insurance for young drivers.
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