Insurance cards differ in the way that they look due to the way in which different insurance companies print their cards. Typically though, an insurance ID card only shows the coverage that is required to show proof of financial responsibility. Your policy documents should include and explain all the coverages you have purchased.
The information listed on the insurance cards in most states are:
- Insurance company name
- Policy number
- Insured’s name
- Vehicle year, make, model and VIN number
- Liability coverage
- What to do in the event of an accident
- The claims phone number to call in the event of an accident
Immediately after you buy an auto insurance policy, you should be able to get your proof of insurance from the carrier.
Right after payment, you can get instant proof of insurance. With most companies, this will be your temporary proof of insurance cards. Some carriers give just simple proof of coverage and payment, while other companies mail your documents, including permanent insurance cards, along with your declarations page.
Some companies, including Esurance and Progressive, allow you to select the ability to receive all documentation electronically, so keep in mind that if you selected this option with one of these carriers, you would not be sent the insurance cards by mail. If you wish to obtain copies by mail, contact the insurance company directly, and they will send insurance cards to you.
You can always call a customer service representative if you have trouble printing your auto insurance policy, insurance card or other insurance documents or want to know how to request an insurance card to be sent in the mail.
— Michelle Megna contributed to this story.
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